Updated 5 Nov. 2001 

ECAI : Links that will be helpful for good mapping

Oct. 2001 (New resource) The Rulebook of Cartographic Design: A draft document of Cartographic Design


(ICA) Commission on Visualization . The key objectives of the International Cartographic Association Commission on Visualization are development of innovative approaches to and applications of dynamic cartographic visualization and the sharing of perspectives on visualization with the wider scientific community.

Books about educational materials for geo-referenced visualization:

1.- Web Cartography (ITC Netherlands )

2.- Thematic Cartography and Visualization. Terry A. Slocum, University of Kansas

3.- Interactive and Animated Cartography. Michael Peterson. University of Nebraska

4.- Visualization in Modern Cartography. Alan M. MacEachren. Penn State University

Web Courses

Carto Corner: A Guide to Optimizing Cartographic Images on the Web (Color design and Tools, Map Symbology, Typography)

Cartographic Communication Basics for Cartographic Comunication

Making Maps Easy to Read. These WWW pages summarise a research project that set out to discover some of the factors that make maps easy to read and to use.

On-line Course Subject Index. Cartography and Map Interpretation.

Basic information for visualization of data

Rules and Principles of Scientific Data Visualization

Basic information about graphic design in the web

Web Page Design

Evaluating Dynamic Visual Variables

Semiotics for Beginners

ECAI. Atlas Ibero-Mundo Home Page 

ECAI. Cartographic Guidelines Commission

ECAI. Home Page

Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative
Atlas Ibero-Mundo Team
Miguel A. Bernabé and
Jack B. Owens